The idea comes from my Grandma Jo who recently passed away. No, I am not hearing her speak to me, but she swells from my heart and surrounds my thoughts. I uncovered a box of her things the other day. Some old books, letters and stationary. I toyed with the idea of starting up letter writing again. Something so foreign in this age of facebook and twitter. Writing snail mail letters is truly a dying art.
The idea has marinated and expanded. There are so many lost arts that my grandmother's generation experienced that I have never even considered doing. An age of living that is lost on me and my children. I want to recapture those arts, that life, the wellbeing of accomplishing something with my own hands. Quilting by hand, making jam, kneading bread, sitting down to write a letter to a loved one are all experiences I want to share with my grandma.
So, join me on this journey of "Recapturing Lost Arts" and let us see where the adventure leads us.
Looking forward to this, Julie. Grandma Jo had so much to offer and she taught me a great deal.